Monday 24 March 2014

Spinach Pancakes for one

¼ litre of milk
1¼ dl of flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
some blackpepper
a small splash or a lump of something oily or buttery (for instance 125 ml of olive oil, but there's no way I'm going to be that specific)
fresh spinach (as much as you feel appropriate)

  • These pancakes are just for one, because Laura is afraid of anything that looks or sounds healthy. I had these, while she had "normal pancakes".
  • This is what the doe looked like. I just threw it all into a bowl and then I whisked it. Some more sophisticated people may have done more measuring and sieving,  but I'm okay with a few lumps here and there. I ripped the spinach leaves a bit, but it doesn't really look like it.
  • This is how you fry the pancakes. A few sauce spoonfuls of doe into middle of an oiled pan. But the doe won't stay in the middle if your cooker isn't level. You can try and push the leaves deeper into the pancake, but it rarely works.
  • And ta-dah! This is what a finished pancake looks like! they tasted good. Just don't make them too thick. I like mine a little bit crispy. And this time, I adde some blueberry jam on top.
But yay, my online recipe book has now officially started! I started this blog mostly so that I will have all of my recipies in one place instead of on little pieces of paper that I can't find when I need them. You may use these recipies too but at your own risk. This is what I eat. If you feel culinarily inspired, I'm happy for you. If not, try a random celebrity cook who takes cooking seriously and makes simple recipies awfully complicated.

Wednesday 22 January 2014


Hello and welcome!

I decided to start this blog as an extension for my blog Raindeer Pants. This is where I will talk about one of my favourite things: food. This will be my online cookery book. I'm not the best of cooks, a friend of mine gave me a tin that says "I'm such a lousy cook, I can't even boil a toast" for Christmas a couple of years ago. But yet, I've somehow stayed alive after I moved away from home.

I've also started getting vegetable bags through university. During term time, I get a bag full of local organic vegetables and other things that vegetarians eat. It's quite exciting. I had no idea there were so many different vegetables! People who are interested in aliens should go vegetable shopping, they might enjoy it. The only vegetable-like things I recognised before I joined the veggie bag club were potatoes, tomatoes and carrots. Now I know what avocados, sweet potatoes, beetroot and purple broccoli (to mention a few) look like!

This has also taught me to cook even weirder food than I did before. I've talked about how people find the food I like to eat strange before. I've always been bad at following recipes. I generally know what I want my food to taste like, and just mix all sorts of things together. My problem, however, has been that I never remember how I cooked something previously. Which is why I started this blog!

So, mostly this blog is here, so that I can find my old recipes. But if you happen to be feeling experimental and brave, you may get some inspiration out of my recipes too. I might also introduce you to my favourite places to eat. Stay tuned!